Improving Quality with Clean Tunnels
HM White Clean Tunnels provide an economical way to protect product from airborne dirt throughout the paint finishing system.
Primary Usage:
- Protect products from contaminants between the coatings process step
- Modular construction
- Compatible with floor and overhead conveyors
- Large access openings
- Eliminates the need for structural steel
- Low installation costs
- Modern appearance
HMWhite Clean Tunnels reduce reject rates and improve production efficiency.

HM White Clean Tunnel Systems control your environment to increase first pass yield and paint finishing quality.
Modular construction, large access openings and swinging doors allow the tunnels to be adapted to any production line.
Bottom Line:
The tunnel system is a highly effective and economical solution that can quickly pay for itself many times over with:
- Reduced dirt reject rates
- Improved paint finish quality
- Reduced manufacturing costs
- Increased production efficiency
The tunnels can be used not only in the paint finishing area but also in other manufacturing areas. Each clean tunnel system is custom designed and configured to fit the specific manufacturing environment. Installation is simple – engineering drawings and instructions enable self-installation or turnkey installation can be provided.